God’s 7000 Year Plan Visually Illustrated

God’s 7000 year plan is based on the seven days of the creation week with each day representing 1000 years

How to Use This Website

This website has been designed around the illustrations of God's 7000 year plan below. They show the “Golden Thread” of the Gospel message which you can visually follow as it unfolds in the Bible.

To navigate this website to explore the Gospel message in the Bible;

  1. Use the illustrations below to follow the golden thread of the Gospel as it unfolds in the Bible.

    Click on an illustration and you will be taken to a page with links to various linked articles about the illustration.

    Click on a link and you will be taken to an article about it.

  2. Use the menus above to find a specific topic about the Gospel to read an article about it.

  3. To read Bible passages in the articles, hover over the link on a computer or touch the link on a mobile device.

    If you double-click on a link or click on “more” you will be taken to the Logos Biblia site.

Promoting Bible Understanding

The objective of this website is to promote Bible understanding by stimulating your interest in exploring the Bible and understanding its true message.

The Bible can be read and understood by everyone and this website aims to provide you with the resources to read and understand it for yourself.

There is only one true Gospel in the Bible and it is essential to salvation to understand and believe its message. With so many varying and conflicting beliefs about what the Bible says it can be difficult to discern what is true and what is not.

This website expresses the beliefs of the Christadelphian faith from its inception and you are encouraged to search the Bible for yourself to check that these beliefs are the true Bible message.

This website is still being developed and new content will be progressively added.

If you have any questions please contact us.