The Ministry and Sacrifice of Jesus
Linked Articles
The Gospel of God's Promises
Bible Basics on the Gospel of God’s Promises
Teaching and Miracles of Jesus
Jesus went about preaching the Gospel and healing the sick during his ministry.
Devils and Demons
Jesus and the aplostles are said to have cast out devils or demons. Who or what are these?
There is no Supernatural Devil
The devil is not a supernatural monster but the personification of sin and our tendency to sin.
The Last Week of Jesus' Life
The events that lead to the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Meaning of Christs Sacrifice
Gospel Basics detailed synopsis of the meaning of Christ's sacrifice.
The Sacrifice of Christ
The significance of Christ’s sacrifice and how we can identify with it in baptism and bread and wine.
Christ Died as Our Representative
Christ died as our representative to save us, not as a substitute to pay a price instead of us.
The Significance of Christ's Crucifixion
Christ’s sacrifice was by crucifixion as a public exhibition of God’s righteousness we can have faith in.
The Atomenent
Gospel Basics of how Christ was our representative by obtaining salvation for himself and us.
Christ Did Not Die as a Substitute Instead of Us
The idea that Christ died as a substitute instead of us negates the moral impact of Christ's sacrifice.
The Resurrection of Jesus
The resurrection of Jesus is our assurance of salvation through him.
Christ as Our High Priest in Heaven
The Lord Jesus is now our High Priest in heaven mediating for us to the Father.